Koussevitzky Music Shed from Main Lawn at Tanglewood

Echelon Art Gallery
Oil Paintings, Prints, Drawings and Water Colors


Koussevitzky Music Shed from Main Lawn at Tanglewood




Koussevitzky Music Shed from Main Lawn at Tanglewood

Watercolor - 9" x 12" (nominal) by Drew Kopf. Signed lower right hand corner.

Original in the posession of the artist.


Original: $3,180.00 including frame of choice; exclusive of shipping related charges.

Giclee copy. Please request a quote by including size of giclee copy desired and destination city, state and Zip Code.

The Jewish Post included a reprint of the Tanglewood Shed painting with an article about Tanglewood. Click HERE to see the article with the painting supporting it.


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