Echelon Art Gallery Home Page

Echelon Art Gallery
Oil Paintings, Prints, Drawings and Water Colors


Welcome to Echelon Art Gallery





Echelon Art Gallery

Who was it who said, "I really don't know much about art. Alls I know is that I like it."?

Most of us, who are not art gurus, art teachers, art historians, art investors or professional artists, have probably said that or something like it when a certain piece of art caught our eye and kept on catching our eye until we broke down and selfishly bought it or a copy of it, so we didn't have to go out to see it every time we got a yen to let ourselves experience that nice feeling we take a few moments out get when we gaze at it.

It's what attracts people who get in the habit of visiting museums of art. They marvel at what people; artists, have done with color, light, shapes, textures and how they get them to play on our emothions; our spirits; our souls even. "How did he do that?" is often the question. But more often, "Why did he do that?" is the question not asked. We don't know if the artist was motivated by wanting to sell his or her work so they could pay their bills, or if they just needed to express themselves about a certain topic, or if they just loved making pretty pictures and things that would give them pleasure when they themselves would stop to gaze upon them.

Echelon Art Gallery is dedicated to sharing art that might not yet have been recognized by main stream or regognized authorities, but which still might have a place or, which might be just what someone might want to enjoy from time-to-time, as a sometime visitor or perhaps an owner. So, whose side are we on? The artist or the collector of things artistic? Both really.

We invite you to take a look; to feast your eyes on what we are continually gathering here for you to hopefully enjoy, to ponder and, perhaps, to own. Let us know what you think and to what extent, if any, we have been able to bring your appreciation of art to a different and more pleasurable level; or, shall we say, to a higher Echelon.


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Toll-Free Fax: (888)329-6287


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