Drew G. Kopf's Office at 740 West End Avenue in the Della Robbia

Echelon Art Gallery
Oil Paintings, Prints, Drawings and Water Colors


Drew G. Kopf's Office 740 West End Avenue in the Della Robbia



740 West End Avenue, The Della Robbia, circa 1940.


Facing North on West End Avenue with a nice wide view.

Facing North at the very corner of my building at the corner of West End Avenue on West 96 th Street there is a Plaque that was Presented by The City of New York.


The plaque commemorates the life of Teresa Carreno (1853 - 1917), who lived at the Della Robbia.

Facing North on West End Avenue at the corner of West 96th Street. The Dell Arobia awning is just a ahead, which is the entrace to my building.


My front office window facing West End Avenue.

Main entrance Doors to 740 West End Avenue the Della Robbia.


The entrance foyer of the Della Robbia.


View of the south side of the Della Robbia. There is an entrance doorway here with a few internal stairs. If we wanted to use the courtyard to meet some of my neighbors who might have some antiques for sale, the whole "Pick" could become even more unusual and interesting that first imagined. It is not huge courtyard but might work on an appointment basis.


The south side Courtyard of the Della Robbia at 740 West End Avenue. The entrance through the Courtyard face West 96th Street.

Another view of the south side of the Della Robbia. West 96th Street is a very busy street. It runs both east and west and eastbound leads to the entrance to the the West Side Highway. The 96 Bus stops on the South side of the street and it gets there by turning south from West 97 th Street on to West End Avenue, which is also a two way street running north and south.


Looking up from the entrance to the Courtyard of the Della Robbia.

Back now to the entrance foyer of the Della Robbia.


The lobby of the Della Robbia. My office is on this floor; the first door on your left as you enter the lobby.

One of the stained glass windows on the north wall of the lobby of the Della Robbia.


The US Mail Box in the lobby of the Della Robbia

The Doorman's Desk in the lobby of 740 West End Avenue with one of the stained glass windows.


Another one of the stained glass windows in the lobby of 740 West End Avenue.

The entrance door to my offices, which is the first door on your left as your enter the lobby..


The inside of the entrance door to my offices with some of my paintings and other items on the walls.

A view of the Galley with some paintings hanging above kitchen supplies. Just to your right as you enter the office.


The inside of the entrance door to my offices with an original water color of the fountain in Central Park painted in 1938 by Otto Rothenburgh..

A view of the art supplies and shipping supplies area facing North as you enter the office.


Entrance area to the offices facing West with some originals and a few small copies of my painings and glimps of my personal office just to the right..



The Back Room    

View from Entrance to the Back Room


Top pf table in the Back Room. I have a pretty nice collection.of modle cars, boats and trains. Some are very old and new in the original boxes.

One of the two desks in the Back Room with carpet on the west wall and a few of my paintings on the north wall. The Grapefruit is titled "Good Enought to Eat."


The other desk in the Back Room with a few paintings on the South wall.

Another view of the desk facing the South Wall of the Back Room with a portrait by me and limited edition and signed lithograph on the wall.


This Floor Lamp is made fron Stained Glass. It is currently in our apartment 3 blocks from my office. I could have it moved to my office if the guys might be interestted in it. Am I looking to sell it. Not particularly. But, if they wanted it I would be open to it.


The view as you enter my office from the main entrance area. The rowing machine is new. I almost had one with real oars that dated back to the 1890's but I had no room for itt. On top of the shelving unit there are some interesting items and one box that is filled with an antique men's toiletry items for shaving and washing which is old and kind of nice for a man cave.


This photo was taken in the Levittown office. but shows the desk well.

The top of my desk with my collection of duck decoys.


Drew's office looking at the cradenza on the north wall with several paintings and memerobilia on the wall.

Drew's office looking from his desk chair back towards the entrance and the nook with some of his diplomas and some neat antique items. The Studabaker hub cap is interesting.


This photograph was taken in the Levittown office. But it shows several items pretty well.

My cradenza and way back in the corner is a table is way out of the ordinary. I am searching for photos of it in my archives. It is something the "guys" would usually find intriguing. Oh, andthe pot holders on the wall come with a story. See the story of my dad's invention ofthe Davis Adjustable Loom. Click HERE.


This is the Table. It is 18" from front to back, 48" long and 31", or just shy of that, tall. I found it in an old barn. (No kidding). I had been hired as the Cultural Arts Director of the JCC in Providence Rhode Island back in like 1972 or so. They had just opend a new multi-million dollar building and the old building was to be distroyed so the land swap that got tem the land for the new building could be completed. I was given permnission to take anything I wanted from the barn/garage on the property. It what had been a hay loft was the rowing machine described earlier, which I could not handle and had nowhere to put, and the Table. I literally tied a rope a rope arind it and slowly hoisted it out of the loft doors and down onto the driveway below. I have had it ever since. I think it is amazing. Would I sell it? Only for the right price and only 'cause I know anyone your would sell it to would treasure it as I have done. I really have no monitary figure on it. It's just really special.


Cummin No-12 Perforating Date Stamp (Yes. Go find one of these. I know. Who would ever want one? You never know.)


Lensatic Compass

A hand painted box. This is at home but could be brought to my office.


A four pound weight

Industrial Scale


Coin Bank by Durable Toy & Novelty Corporation circa 1946. I have one of these in Green as well.

Fire Extinguisher - I have two. The other is in better shape than this one.


Fire Fighting Hose Nozzle - I have two of these.

Quarter Back Football Player Sculture


Taska Leather Box is at home but could be brough toi my office.

Gasoline Pump Nozzle


Al Jolson "The Singing Fool" Talking & Singing Picture Poster - I have a nice selection of such posters. Click HERE for a page dealing with this particular one.

Blackthorn Shillelagh - Click HERE for more details. I have a few more cains but this is the best I belive.


Tootsie Toy Tank -Renault FT17 Number: 4676; WWI vintage catipillar tank with white rubber lugged track with an inner groove that the center flange of the spoked wheels use. Patent #: 1334539 Louis Marx Company The worn out one was given to me by the owner or an antique shop in Philadelphia as way to say thank you for my having carried in several packages from her car into her store. I got hooked on Tootsie Toys for the next 50 years or more.


This photograph was taken in a different office about 20 years ago. In one of my enterprises I sell mats and related products for safety, soil control and image enhancement. The mat hanging in my ofice was the prototype made for one of the US Presidential Libraries. Once it was made to our specifications received our approval the one sent to the library was manufacturerd and shipped.


This is a photograph of the face of my wrist watch. I collect Morgan Silver Dollars. I do not display them but they are fairly interesting to the many collectors in the hobby.





My offices have been relocated to 740 West End Avenue on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.

1 - Library Table made of wood and featuring a metal grill the fill length and height
1 - Wooden Credenza
1 - small wooden dining room table (seats 6) with 5 chairs.
1 - 5 foot long Oak Roll Top Desk circa 1882 which can be disassembled loaded with files and my little treasures.
1 - Wooden Coat Rack about 6 feet tall x 20 in x 20 in nominal
30 - various sized framed paintings and prints
20 - pieces of sculpture and treasures located atop the book shelves
20 - framed pieces of art






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Books Landscapes Portraits
Cityscapes Nautical Prints



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