The World of Shalom Aleichem - Introduction

The Jewish Star Theatre
Presenting the Ongoing Story of the Jewish People for All to Learn from and Enjoy


The World of Shalom Aleichem - Theatre of Involvement as Directed by Drew Kopf



The World of Shalom Aleichem

By Arnold Perl

The World of Shalom Aleichem was first presented on May 1, 1953, at the Barbizon-Plaza Theatre, New York City. It was produced by Howard Da Silva and Arnold Perl (Rachel Productins). It was directed by Howard Da Silva and the music was by Serge Hovey and Robert de Cormier. Costumes were by Aline Bernstein and lighting was by Bernard Gersten.

Benton Bloch 1970 as Bontche Schweig

In the 1970's, Drew Kopf took The World of Shalom Aleichem in a different direction by producing and directing it first while he was a graduate student at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, as a Master of Fine Arts Degree candidate in Directing. That production was sponsored by the B'nai Brith Hillel House on Campus. He later produced and directed it while serving as the Cultural Arts Director for the Columbus Jewish Center in Columbus Ohio with their resident company The Gallery Players. He directed and produced it again while living in Poughkeepsie, New York, for Congregation Shomre Israel with the support of its spiritual leader at the time the late Rabbi Morris Bekritsky, z"l.


We present the following pieces of memerobilia from those productions as a way of explaining just how effective the play The World of Shalom Aleichem can be when produced in what Drew Kopf referes to as "Theatre of Involvement" while remaining true to the author's intent.


We invite you to "click" through this "on-line scrap book" and know that it is our intention to bring Arnold Perl's The World of Shalom Aleichem back to the stage, albiet a "round" one as exemplified in this collection of photographs and related notations, with the goal of bringing it to audiences of all stripes for the great entertainment pleasure Drew Kopf's approach to this play has proven to deliver, to inform those who might be sketchey as to what life was like for those who lived in Eastern European Shtettels (small Jewish villages) in and around the turn of the late 1800's and early 1900's, and to enlighten those audience members who may see themselves as more than just casual visitors to The World of Shalom Aleichem and may want to get to know it a little better and deside to stay.


The hyperlinks below the following photographs and newspaper article are to several other pages with similar such documentation. Thank you.




Benton Bloch 1970 as Bontche Schweig Benton Bloch 1970 as Bontche Schweig Benton Bloch 1970 as Bontche Schweig
Benton Bloch, cast member of the 1970 Columbus Jewish Center's Gallery Players production of "The Word of Shalom Aleichem," selling baked goods to audience memebers during intermission. Benton Bloch, cast member of the 1970 Columbus Jewish Center's Gallery Players production of "The Word of Shalom Aleichem," selling baked goods to audience memebers during intermission. Benton Bloch, cast member of the 1970 Columbus Jewish Center's Gallery Players production of "The Word of Shalom Aleichem," selling baked goods to audience memebers during intermission.
Benton Bloch 1970 as Bontche Schweig Benton Bloch 1970 as Bontche Schweig Benton Bloch 1970 as Bontche Schweig
Brian Gordon, cast member of the 1970 Columbus Jewish Center's Gallery Players production of "The Word of Shalom Aleichem," selling lemonaide to audience memebers during intermission. Brian Gordon, cast member of the 1970 Columbus Jewish Center's Gallery Players production of "The Word of Shalom Aleichem," selling lemonaide to audience memebers during intermission. Diane Shimmelman, cast member of the 1970 Columbus Jewish Center's Gallery Players production of "The Word of Shalom Aleichem," handing out Playbills, which are in the form of large brown paper shopping bags with handles, to audience memebers as they enter the lobby of the Jewish Center.
Benton Bloch 1970 as Bontche Schweig Benton Bloch 1970 as Bontche Schweig Benton Bloch 1970 as Bontche Schweig
Esther Pass, cast member of the 1970 Columbus Jewish Center's Gallery Players production of "The Word of Shalom Aleichem," selling hand made items made by residents of the Heritage House senior citizen center located on the same campus as the Jewish Center, to audience memebers as they enter the lobby of the Jewish Center. Rena Gaynor, cast member of the 1970 Columbus Jewish Center's Gallery Players production of "The Word of Shalom Aleichem," selling Sabbath Candles, to audience memebers as they enter the lobby of the Jewish Center. Irene Braverman, cast member of the 1970 Columbus Jewish Center's Gallery Players production of "The Word of Shalom Aleichem," mixing and mingling with audience members as they enter the lobby of the Jewish Center.


Columbus Jewish Center - Gallery Players Production

Columbus Jewish Center - Gallery Players - Rehearsal Photos

Columbus Jewish Center - Gallery Players Production Photos - 1

B'nai Brith Hillel House - Ohio University - Athens, OH 1970

Congregation Shomre Israel Production - Poughtkeepsie NY


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