The World of Shalom Aleichem - Columbus Jewih Center - 1970 Production Photos 1

The Jewish Star Theatre
Presenting the Ongoing Story of the Jewish People for All to Learn from and Enjoy


The World of Shalom Aleichem - Columbus Jewish Center - 1970 Production Photos -1



Virginia Hutchens, as a Schtettle member, preparing her inventory of costume jewelery for sale during preperformance welcoming of the audience in the lobby and during the intermission Roz Sonnenstein, as a Schtettle member, preparing her inventory for sale during preperformance welcoming of the audience in the lobby and during the intermission Roz Sonnenstein, as a Schtettle member, before a dress rehearsal of The World of Shalom Aleichem
Virginia Hutchens, as a Schtettle member, preparing her inventory of costume jewelery for sale during preperformance welcoming of the audience in the lobby and during the intermission. Roz Sonnenstein, as a Schtettle member, preparing her inventory for sale during preperformance welcoming of the audience in the lobby and during the intermission. Roz Sonnenstein, as a Schtettle member, before a dress rehearsal of The World of Shalom Aleichem.
Rena Gaynor, as a Schtettle member, selling pairs of Shabbos Candles to audience members in the lobby of the Jewish Center before a performance of the World of Shalom Aleichem Rena Gaynor, as a Schtettle member, selling pairs of Shabbos Candles to audience members in the lobby of the Jewish Center before a performance of the World of Shalom Aleichem Roz Sonnenstein and Rena Gaynor, as a Schtettle members, act out part of A Tale of Chelm during a dress rehearsal of The World of Shalom Aleichem
Rena Gaynor, as a Schtettle member, selling pairs of Shabbos Candles to audience members in the lobby of the Jewish Center before a performance of the World of Shalom Aleichem. Rena Gaynor, as a Schtettle member, selling pairs of Shabbos Candles to audience members in the lobby of the Jewish Center before a performance of the World of Shalom Aleichem. Roz Sonnenstein and Rena Gaynor, as a Schtettle members, act out part of A Tale of Chelm during a dress rehearsal of The World of Shalom Aleichem.
Benton Bloch, Diane Schimmelman and Virginia Hutchens, as Shtettle members heling to tell A Tale of Chelm by "carrying" a tree up the mountain during a rehearsal the World of Shalom Aleichem. Benton Bloch, as Shtettle members creating a "goat" out of a piece of rope in A Tale of Chelm during a rehearsal the World of Shalom Aleichem Muriel Gundesheimer, as a Shtettle member, practicing how she will sell her wares during a the preperformance lobby greeting time and during the intermission of the performances of The World of Shalom Aleichem
Benton Bloch, Diane Schimmelman and Virginia Hutchens, as Shtettle members helping to tell A Tale of Chelm by "carrying" a tree up the mountain during a rehearsal the World of Shalom Aleichem. Benton Bloch, as Shtettle members creating a "goat" out of a piece of rope in A Tale of Chelm during a rehearsal the World of Shalom Aleichem. Muriel Gundesheimer, as a Shtettle member, practicing how she will sell her wares during a the preperformance lobby greeting time and during the intermission of the performances of The World of Shalom Aleichem.
Muriel Gundesheimer, as a Shtettle members, selling candy and cookies during intermission of a performance of The World of Shalom Aleichem Muriel Gundesheimer, Brian Gordan, Hal Cohen and Irene Braverman, seated, and Julian Barnett, standing, as a Shtettle members, during a rehearsal of The World of Shalom Aleichem Muriel Gundesheimer, as a Shtettle member, during a rehearsal of The World of Shalom Aleichem
Muriel Gundesheimer, as a Shtettle members, selling candy and cookies during intermission of a performance of The World of Shalom Aleichem. Muriel Gundesheimer, Brian Gordan, Hal Cohen and Irene Braverman, seated, and Julian Barnett, standing, as a Shtettle members, during a rehearsal of The World of Shalom Aleichem. Muriel Gundesheimer, as a Shtettle member, during a rehearsal of The World of Shalom Aleichem.
Irene Braverman and Julian Barnett, as a Shtettle members, playing the part of the mother and the father in the short story "Gymnasium," The High School, durin a perfgormance of The World of Shalom Aleichem Julian Barnett, as the father and Irene Braverman as the mother, explaining things to the son, played by Brian Gordon and hos friend played by Charles "Scooter" Cecil, in "Gymnasium, " the High School in during a performance of The World of Shalom Aleichem Julian Barnett and Irene Braverman "taking five" during a rehearsal of The World of Shalom Aleichem
Irene Braverman and Julian Barnett, as a Shtettle members, playing the part of the mother and the father in the short story "Gymnasium," The High School, durin a perfgormance of The World of Shalom Aleichem. Julian Barnett, as the father and Irene Braverman as the mother, explaining things to the son, played by Brian Gordon and hos friend played by Charles "Scooter" Cecil, in "Gymnasium, " the High School in during a performance of The World of Shalom Aleichem. Julian Barnett and Irene Braverman "taking five" during a rehearsal of The World of Shalom Aleichem.

The World of Shalom Aleichem - Directed by Drew Kopf - Introduction

Columbus Jewish Center - Gallery Players Production

Columbus Jewish Center - Gallery Players Production Photos - 2

B'nai Brith Hillel House - Ohio University - Athens, OH 1970

Congregation Shomre Israel Production - Poughtkeepsie NY




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