The World of Shalom Aleichem - Columbus Jewih Center - 1970 Production Photos 2

The Jewish Star Theatre
Presenting the Ongoing Story of the Jewish People for All to Learn from and Enjoy


The World of Shalom Aleichem - Columbus Jewish Center - 1970 Production Photos - 2



Julian Barnett as the Book Peddler with audience member Benton Bloch as Boncha Scheweig during the trial scene Benton Bloch as Shtetel member selling bakery goods in lobby during intermission
Julian Barnett as the Book Peddler with audience member.

Benton Bloch as Boncha Scheweig during the trial scene.

Benton Bloch as Shtetel member selling bakery goods in lobby during intermission.
Benton Bloch as Shtetel member selling bakery goods in lobby during intermission Brian Gordan as Shtetel member selling lemonade in lobby during intermission Carol Corey as Shtetel member telling an audience member's fortune during intermission
Benton Bloch as Shtetel member selling bakery goods in lobby during intermission. Brian Gordan as Shtetel member selling lemonade in lobby during intermission. Carol Corey as Shtetel member telling an audience member's fortune during intermission.
Diane Shimmelman, Esther Pass and Muriel Gundishimer as Angels in the Heavenly Court surrounding Benton Bloch playing Boncha Scheweig Diane Shimmelma distributing the Shopping-Bag Playbills to audience members as they enter the Jewish Center lobby "before" the performance of The World of Shalom Aleichem Benton Bloch, as Dodi, swatting a fly on the Melamed, Hal Cohen during a rehearsal.
Diane Shimmelman, Esther Pass and Muriel Gundishimer as Angels in the Heavenly Court surrounding Benton Bloch playing Boncha Scheweig. Diane Shimmelma distributing the Shopping-Bag Playbills to audience members as they enter the Jewish Center lobby "before" the performance of The World of Shalom Aleichem. Benton Bloch, as Dodi, swatting a fly on the Melamed, Hal Cohen during a rehearsal.
Esther Pass selling goods made by local senior citizens in the lobby of the Jewish Center as audience members enter "before" the show Irene Braverman as the mother with Brian Gordon as her son with Virginia Hutchens as the Tutor in Gymnasium; the High School, a short story by Shalom Aleichem Irene Braverman as Shtettle member greeting and mingling with audience members as they enter the lobby of the Jewish Center "before" the show
Esther Pass selling goods made by local senior citizens in the lobby of the Jewish Center as audience members enter "before" the show. Irene Braverman as the mother with Brian Gordon as her son with Virginia Hutchens as the Tutor in Gymnasium; the High School, a short story by Shalom Aleichem. Irene Braverman as Shtettle member greeting and mingling with audience members as they enter the lobby of the Jewish Center "before" the show.
Irene Braverman and Julian Barnett in the finale of the show Irene Braverman reviewing her lines during a rehersal of The World of Shalom Aleichem Jerry Lebowitz, as one of the Angels in Heaven, blowing the shofar during Boncha Sheveig
Irene Braverman and Julian Barnett in the finale of the show. Irene Braverman reviewing her lines during a rehersal of The World of Shalom Aleichem Jerry Lebowitz, as one of the Angels in Heaven, blowing the shofar during Boncha Sheveig
Jerry Leibowitz as Shtettle member helping audience members "find" their seats and offering socks for sale just before the performance of The World of Shalom Aleichem Julian Barnett, as the father, and Brian Gordan, as the son, meeting with Jerry Leibowitz, as the Principal of the High School, during The World of Shalom Aleichem Julian Barnett, as a Schtettle member, greeting his son Steve Barnett, who came to see the performance of The World of Shalom Aleichem
Jerry Leibowitz as Shtettle member helping audience members "find" their seats and offering socks for sale just before the performance of The World of Shalom Aleichem. Julian Barnett, as the father, and Brian Gordan, as the son, meeting with Jerry Leibowitz, as the Principal of the High School, during The World of Shalom Aleichem. Julian Barnett, as a Schtettle member, greeting his son Steve Barnett, who came to see the performance of The World of Shalom Aleichem.
  Julian Barnett, as the Book Peddler Schtettle member, performing his opening monologue during a rehearsal of Shalom Aleichem  
  Julian Barnett, as the Book Peddler Schtettle member, performing his opening monologue during a rehearsal of Shalom Aleichem.  

The World of Shalom Aleichem - Directed by Drew Kopf - Introduction

Columbus Jewish Center - Gallery Players Production

Columbus Jewish Center - Gallery Players Production Photos - 1

B'nai Brith Hillel House - Ohio University - Athens, OH 1970

Congregation Shomre Israel Production - Poughtkeepsie NY





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