I read the article in Crain's NY Business about Jed Bernstein the Head of Lincoln Center, stepping down on Thursday. See: http://www.crainsnewyork.com/article/20160414/ARTS/160419926/head-of-lincoln-center-unexpectedly-resigns#utm_medium=email&utm_source=cnyb-dailyalert&utm_campaign=cnyb-dailyalert-20160414
When you read why he did it, it reminds me of what King Solomon said in Kohelless, Ecclesiastes, Chapter 3 Verse 22, which just happens to be the verse that the editors of my High School year book chose as something that exemplifies me, and which i recently rediscovered after the death of one of my former classmates, may his memory be for a blessing, when I looked him up in the Year Book, and noticed the verse under his name and checked "my" verse and, there it was.
I was so taken by it and by the amazing wisdom of the young editors of my High Schol year book, that I decided to make a painting to capture it for me and hung it in my office. See above.
King Solomon was right on target; not just for me but, perhaps, for all of us.