Andrea's and Drew's Wedding Photos - Page 3

Echelon Art Gallery
Oil Paintings, Prints, Drawings and Water Colors


Andrea's and Drew's Wedding Photos- Page 3



Sunday, September 18th, 2011 at B'nai JeshurunSynagogue: 257 West 88th Street (between Broadway and West End Avenue)
Click on the photos for larger view in seperate window.
Gregory Riskin signing the Kattubah with Roly, Moshe and Elliot looking on. One of the stained glass windows.. View of one of the stained glass windows brilliantly illuminated by the bright sunny day outside.
Seymour Bigelisen (L) and Anthony Falsetta Roly and Andrea in the sanctuary before the wedding ceremony. Rabbi Beirnbaum reads and translates the Katttubah while Roly observes with Andrea and Drew.
Lots of smiles under the Chuppa as Rabbi Beirnbaum reads the Katubah and tells of the relevance of the day of this in Elul the Hebrew month relative to the approaching New Year the next week. Andrea and Drew with Roly under the Chuppa. Holding poles are: David Altman (Drew's son) front left, Ronnie Pickus, Drew's sister Arlene's husband, back left, Seymour Bigelisen, Andrea's brother, front right and Anthony Falsetta back right. Andrea and Drew under the Chuppa with Roly and the pole holders Seymour Beigelisen, front right, Anthony Falcetta, back right, David Altman, front left and Ronnie Pickus, back left.




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