Sculptures by Drew Kopf - Introduction

Echelon Art Gallery
Oil Paintings, Prints, Drawings and Water Colors


Sculptures by Drew Kopf - Introduction


It's Really Nothing #1 It's Really Nothing #2 It's Really Nothing #3 It's Really Nothing #4
It's Really Nothing #5 It's Really Nothing #6 It's Really Nothing #7 It's Really Nothing #8
It's Really Nothing #9 It's Really Nothing #10 It's Really Nothing #11 It's Really Nothing #12
It's Really Nothing #13 It's Really Nothing #14 It's Really Nothing #15 It's Really Nothing #16
It's Really Nothing #17 It's Really Nothing #18 It's Really Nothing #19 It's Really Nothing #20
It's Really Nothing #21 It's Really Nothing #22 It's Really Nothing #23 It's Really Nothing #24
It's Really Nothing #25 It's Really Nothing #26 It's Really Nothing #27 It's Really Nothing #28
It's Really Nothing #29      



Something comes into ones path and, more often than not, we walk right by it. It could be a connector piece that held the arm or a pair of eye glasses to the frame and it somehow got disconnected and is now lost forever. Or, you could pick it up. I know. Ridiculous. It is worthless and always will be worthless. But, you pick it up and put it in a glass jar with no plan for it whatsoever until, over time, the jar becomes absolutely filled with an array of unrelated things that are no more or less than they were when first you found them save for the way they may relate to one another in the hodgepodge conglomeration that happenstance and persistence, your own persistence, has brought about. I know. "It's really nothing." But, for some reason, there is an every so often revisiting to the glass jar and a few seconds are spent pondering ... nothing.


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